Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ain't networks grand?

Okay, this note comes to you courtesy of my work losing network connection again... Supposedly, they only lose the connection for moments, and system-wide downage is a very rare occurance, but this would count twice in a week, so I'm starting to get skeptical... :)

My life has adjusted to over here for the most part. That is not to say that I feel like a native, but I have gotten past the every day living adjustment... I know where to get food, have mostly figured out my apartment, and am still REALLY loving the housekeepers doing the dishes everyday. Still feel a little isolated, but that is mostly a language barrier and probably more to do with my laid back and introverted personality than with anything in this country.

I still have to smile at the fact that most folks here in the office switch to Hindi when they aren't focusing on speaking English, so somethimes in the middle of a discussion they will (withouth themselves noticing) switch to Hindi, and at the end of their sentance look at me for confirmation... Kind of fun, because everyone here is kind enough to be able to laugh at themselves easily.

I'm starting to feel slightly sureal in the fact that my timesense is starting to forget what living in the states is like, and switching over to this being my reality. The surroundings are starting to feel "normal", but I suppose it could be said that this is more an indication of my need to start exploring more than anything. I think I am going to try to get out to New Delhi, at least in some manner, this weekend. Sherry (one of my co-workers at Ingenix) said that a place called Delhi Hut existed in New Delhi (a cool shopping place), and I think that may be my target. I am massively excited for Judy to be here to goad me into exploring more... Left to my own devices, in some manner, I tend to be a fairly boring person. Maybe it's just a part of exploring being more fun with someone to do it with...

Below is a fairly non-inspiring (sorry) picture out of my office window. When I walked out of the complex tonight to leave, it turns out that I had just missed a colorful sunset, so I am planning on going outside a little earlier tomorrow and seeing it. The light bouncing off one of the prettier buildings in Gurgaon at sunset, I think, will make an awesome picture.

Peace - Joel

1 comment:

Don Hancock said...

Glad things are going well. Look forward to your picture of the sunset. Cricket? Sounds like culture to me...