Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuesday July 10

Joel is so right, the magic is WONDERFUL. The group of 4-6 guys that come in and do the dishes, sweep the floors, make the beds and freshen up the bathrooms is so nice though foreign to my world, but BOY,I could GROW to love it! OK, forget about the GROW part. I LOVE IT!

The heat… To answer a question asked. It is usually pretty hot. At night it still is not cooling off for the most part. 5 nights ago or so I went out at 4 AM and it was PERFECT!
So far most days are sunny or partly cloudy. We have had some sprinkles, but the monsoon has not kicked in.

It is cool to look out to the buildings across the way and see people drying their clothes on balcony railings. Today I see a bout 4. There is a certain hominess that scene inspires.

I have listened to little radio, but have found a station that seems to play India music during the day and 80’s American at night. Our stations at home could do well by checking out their play list. Songs I haven’t’ heard for a long time. They played “We are the World”. I need to listen to it again to ensure my accuracy, but I think the only singer in that bunch that has died has been Ray Charles. Is this correct? (sorry if that is a little off appropriate BLOG discussion??)

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