Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hey - a Post from Joel... Sort of.... (Fashion Show)

Well, it is a post from Joel, insofar as I'm the one writing it, but, and with no ill-intent, the post is all about Judy. I'm finding that hillarious, but it is pretty late, and I've had a little too much sugar of just recently.

I'm still alive, and starting to absolutely freak out that in 14 days or less I will have to do my own dishes again, but other than that silliness, I am doing quite well. Looking forward to Thanksgiving, but sad that there is no turkey in my immediate future. T'will be fun to be out and about on Thursday and Friday with no places either closed, and/or no day after Thanksgiving craziness. It would be fun to see someone pick up on that over here and have massive sales or something really early in the morning, when absolutely NO ONE would be out...

Anyways - Below follows a Judy Fashion Show with some of the clothes that she has been diligently travelling to and from the tailor to get made while she is here. There have been some requests to see what she was buying, and this would be some of those. Sorry about the quality of the pictures - we wanted to put out an idea of what she is buying and finding, but were slightly rushed.

Peace Ya'll - See you soon!

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