Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The wedding we went to in Delhi

So, we got all suited up for the wedding last Wednesday for Joel's co-worker Suchitra.

Here is Joel in his Kirta.

My Saree... BEFORE the Jewelry. OOPS.
It didn't fall off, so that was good. Pins are a good thing. For two people who hardly knew what we were doing, we did OK. Joel did a very nice job.

Below is the outdoor venue shots. The weather was nice... Well, if you are Minnesotan I guess. Many folks there were a bit cool.
Here is the stage area that the ceremonies and some events would occur.

Here's the dance floor. PROOF that they sell parka's here in India. :)
HERE is a picture of my Indian Boyfriend and his friends. He's the one on the left.

He was quite the well spoken gentleman. SO polite and formal. He spoke and understood English VERY well. We had many a good chat.

He competed quite heavily for my time from Joel. He introduced me to his Mom, aunt and a bunch of his family.

He clinched the deal when he asked me to dance though.

So, I'll be back in a few years. :)
Sorry Joel. What's a girl to do!
He's there... behind me...

Here are some of Joel's Co-workers.

Here are some other of his co-workers. :) The boys!
The groom arrived at about 10:30PM or so on horseback. Much music by a brass band and fire works celebrated his entrance for a good 15 minutes plus.

A while later he made his way to the stage where things that I didn't fully understand happened. One of the ceremonies where various people... I think from his families and the holy person who married them, circled candles around the groom. It was cool. I wish I knew why, but I thought it was cool.

Joel with some dudes who asked if they could take their picture with them.

No, the groom ISN'T trying to escape by flying away.

A young lady chatted me up as well. I'll probably butcher her name if I put it in, so, I wont.

Suchitra came to join the groom for pictures and things on stage that we couldn't see due to the crowd.

Sadly, they never stopped the music to focus on the happenings with the bride and groom. It was kind of sad. We had a good time chatting with everyone and hanging out, but sort of felt like we missed the meat of the sandwich so to speak.

The bride and groom came from the stage and headed to the dance floor for a bit of dancing and also for the guests to greet them and take pictures.

A more full shot of Suchitra's outfit

Here they are with the Genpact crew.

We stayed till about 1:30AM. The vows were scheduled for them which would have been really great to stay for... but it was 1:30AM!!

We got a sneak peak at the bride before she was fully ready.... Not sure this was OK REALLY as far as tradition goes, but none the less, it was good to see her and the only time that night were were able to say hello.

It was a great time!
I'm really glad we were able to stay to attend.

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